120 Sykes Street Groton, New York 13073 607-898-5876

News Announcements

Healthcare Provider in New York

Kudos Kash Program

April Forsyth, CNA, August Kudos Kash recipient – Congrats April!

James Eaton, EVS, pictured with Corinne Nielsen, Director of EVS, July Kudos Kash recipient – Congrats James!

Leslie Truesdell, Supply Clerk/Receiving, pictured with Corinne Nielsen, Director of EVS, June Kudos Kash recipient – Congrats Leslie!

Cathy Buckley, Dietary Cook, pictured with Kristy Cisneros , Director of Food Services, May Kudos Kash recipient – Congrats Cathy!

Michelle Francis, Unit Clerk, pictured with Debbie Shepard, Director of Nursing, April Kudos Kash recipient – Congrats Michelle!

Tammy Bumpus, LPN, pictured with Debbie Shepard, Director of Nursing, March Kudos Kash recipient – Congrats Tammy!

Lisa LaVancha, Activities Department, February Kudos Kash recipient – Congrats to you Lisa!

Ashley Clark & Dustin Scutt, January Kudos Kash recipients along with Corinne Nielsen, Director of EVS – Congrats to you both!

Chas Reagin, December Kudos Kash recipient along with Lee Burlingame, Director of Facilities – Congrats Chas!


Erika Gentz, November Kudos Kash recipient along with Chrissy Owen, Scheduler – Congrats Erika!


Deanna Carr, September Kudos Kash recipient (not pictured) Congrats Deanna!


Jeff Allen, August Kudos Kash recipient along with Jen Shaben, Director of Human Resources – Congrats Jeff!


Every month a name will be picked off the KUDOS board. at random to receive KUDOS KASH – $100 will be given to one lucky staff member that has gone above and beyond, illustrated what it takes to make a difference for a resident or employee, someone just doing the right thing!

Success in no accident it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, and most of all, LOVE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING OR LEARNING TO DO ~ Pele


Our Mission

Groton Community Health Care Center is a non-profit committed to serving the community providing person-centered, compassionate, and exceptional care through rehabilitation, skilled nursing, and community based programs.

Our Vision

To excel as the community's provider of choice through innovation, commitment, continuous improvement, and excellence.

Groton Community Health Care Center

120 Sykes Street
Groton, New York 13073 607-898-5876